How To Create A Perfect Space For Essay Writing

More often than not, writing depends on the circumstances as much as it depends on the writer. If you aren’t in the right place or the right time, if you aren’t in the right mood and you keep getting distracted, you likely won’t be able to write something coherent – or finish it in the time you have available.

Moreover, this task becomes even more daunting when you are writing an essay that requires even higher levels of your attention and time. Luckily, the best way to solve this problem is by addressing it head on. Hence, here’s how to create a perfect space for essay writing.

#1 Find the Right Spot

First of all, you need to find the right spot for setting up your essay writing space. If you don’t find the right spot, you will end up constantly getting distracted and being uncomfortable for seemingly no reason. As a writer, you need to feel relaxed and concentrated on the work at hand.

The best spot for setting up your workspace doesn’t need to be big – it just needs to be in the right location. It can be a separate room or a spot in your own room that you mentally consider as your work-specific space. The spot should have minimal distractions, so make sure that there won’t be any people constantly going back and forth as you try to write.

Alternatively, if you don’t live in a good neighborhood, you may want to change your apartment’s location completely. For example, Skyline Towers has comfortable living spaces that you could consider. Or you might decide to opt for a place in Long Island City which could be the perfect fit for your new home.

#2 Take Care of the Furniture

Once you have selected the right spot for your workspace, you need to take care of the furniture. A proper desk and a chair can be more than enough, but you need to choose them carefully if you want to be comfortable while writing your essay. It is a long-term investment you are making, so treat it as such.

As Michael Cruise from the writing service reviews site Online Writers Rating puts it, “The best desk is the one you can adjust – and preferably one that has different spaces to fill with the things you will need like your laptop or your writing tools. A chair should also be adjustable, and one that lets you keep your posture in check at all times.”

#3 Get All the Supplies You Need

Speaking of your writing tools, you will definitely need to get all the supplies you need for writing your essays. As a part of your student life, you will already be spending a lot on both your studies and your leisure, so it’s a good idea to find a way to save some money when getting writing supplies – but this doesn’t mean you should just go for whatever’s cheaper.

Do your research and find different options that fit your personal needs. If you prefer writing by hand, choose the notebooks that will have plenty of pages to fill while not actually costing you a fortune. If you prefer typing but like having a visual outline, you might want to get your hands on some pencils or markers to draw mind maps that will help you with outlining.

#4 Eliminate Distractions

As mentioned earlier, distractions are probably the biggest issue a writer can encounter. They are everywhere, and if you don’t know how to ignore or avoid them, you can end up focusing on distractions too much and forgetting about your essay completely.

As Christine Frost from the custom writing reviews site Best Writers Online says, “Tell everyone you live with that you shouldn’t be bothered while writing your essay. Turn off notifications and schedule all your important tasks for later. Right now, only your essay matters.”

#5 Get into The Right Mindset

Last but not least, before you actually start writing your essay, you need to get into the right mindset. As a writer, you will often rely on inspiration to get you writing, but you should also be able to motivate yourself without being inspired.

Having a writing routine can help a lot. Create a ritual for yourself (like drinking a cup of tea or exercising for a few minutes) that will allow you to relax and get your mind off of other things so you can focus all of your attention on your essay and nothing else.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, writing an essay is difficult, but it will become much easier once you have a dedicated spot for it and you are in the right mood to start writing. Use the tips from this article to create your own writing workspace and start creating better essays.

Author’s Bio

Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at essay review service Writing Judge. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.